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Группы : Дискографии


Folkodia: "Battlecry" – 2010

энциклопедия: Folkodia

Состав группы:

  • Simon Müller – бас, флейта, гитара, акустическая гитара, манола, жестяной свисток, вокал
  • Holger Funke – вокал, хурди-гурди
  • Rhode Rachel – вокал, бас, жестяной свисток, губная гармоника
  • Anaïs – вокал
  • Michaël Fiori "Saga" – вокал, бас, гитара
  • Hralien – ударные
  • Simon Batley – вокал
  • Forneus – гармоника
  • Matthew Bell – гитара
  • Metfolvik – вокал
  • Münggu Beyeler – труба, вокал

Folkodia: "Battlecry" – 2010


  1. Eagle's Blood
  2. Battlecry
  3. Blood-Red Axes
  4. The Celestial Giants
  5. Hunter In The Wild
  6. The Celestial Host
  7. The Oath Of Runes
  8. Invoking The Sidhe
  9. Pale Prince On A Moonlit Shore
  10. The Hour Of Wrath
  11. Sword In Hand


1. Eagle's Blood

Soaring –
Dancing on the wind
Eagles –
See them flying free!
Masters –
Rule the seven winds
All hail –
The eagles from above!

You shall have cause to fear:
Sacrifice the eagle's blood!
When aloft stand our spears
Drink up the eagle's blood!

Coming –
The north's purest breed
Spreading –
Their mighty, wide wings!
Kingdom –
Of the Heaven's is their own
We hail –
The royal vanguard of the Gods!

You shall have cause to fear:
Sacrifice the eagle's blood!
When aloft stand our spears
Drink up the eagle's blood!

Flying –
On pinions of freezing wind
Burning –
My heart's desire to be again
With them –
From Midgaards to Walhall
Behold –
The eagle's blood is strong!

You shall have cause to fear:
Sacrifice the eagle's blood!
When aloft stand our spears
Drink up the eagle's blood!

2. Battlecry

Prophecies are written there on high
By the hand of Gods on the cloudy across –
I will fulfill each one and all
I will meet my fate with spear, shield and sword!

Thunder rends the celestial dome
Ravens call to the one-eyed God:
Thor battles dragons in the sky
As we, below, raise the battlecry!

To fight as warriors fight
To die as heroes only die:
To dream the everlasting dream
Through the flames of the fray
I ride!

Metal on metal rings the funeral bell:
It tolls the hour of demise
For all my enemies alike
When forth to meet them I ride!

Thunder rends the celestial dome
ravens call to the one-eyed God:
Thor battles dragons in the sky
As we, below, raise the battlecry!

I rise on the wind, I ride like a curse!
I ride on the field, I ride down the foe!
I ride across the vale; I ride 'neath the stars
I ride upon the horse no man could ever ride!

And when I reach the sky
I know I will have died –
Screaming the battlecry!

3. Blood-Red Axes

Blacksmith, hammer the iron
Temper and shape it for war –
Arm my hand with thy forge's best
For I sail with the dawn to foreign shores!

Fell deeds of death await me
Blood and fire in the heart of battle
The song of Valkyries from the sky
Is what sets my veins aflame and gets me high!

Axes dyed blood-red;
The breath of Odin down my neck –
Allfather walk beside me today
And soon I'll join you at thy table!

Ravens fill the sky
And black-feathered arrows alike –
A song of death rides the gates
An epitaph for warrior that fell this day...

Crimson froths the stream
Steel is cold and fears no hate:
I will ride upon the raging waves
And storm the yonder shore, fearless and brave!

Axes dyed blood-red;
The breath of Odin down my neck –
Allfather walk beside me today
And soon I'll join you at thy table!

4. The Celestial Giants

The ancient tablets of Babylon
Recall the coming of the Gods
Down to earth in splendor untold
On winged chariots made of gold...

The great Gods of royal blood
Keepers of the universe –
Three hundred on the Earth
Three hundred in the sky...

The Anunnaki descend on the Earth
To bring to men wisdom and law –
They are the kings from the starry dome
The celestial giants of legends old!

Anointed by Marduk's hand
To reign over us mortals frail
And bring us forth from the caves –
Under the sun to rejoice and sing!

Celestial giants on chariots of fire
Are coming down on our primitive Earth:
They bring with them such wondrous gifts
The secrets of the cosmic spheres...

The Anunnaki descend on the Earth
To bring to men wisdom and law –
They are the kings from the starry dome
The celestial giants of legends old!

5. Hunter In The Wild

I strung my bow and honed my knife
With baying hounds I went into the wild;
Oisin is my name – I am of the Fianna
On the shores of Lough Leane I fell ofor Niamh...

She was "Would you ride with me?"
"Aye, let us away my love!" I replied –
Through icy lakes and mystic paths
Into the otherworld, where the Danann reign...

The creek by the road sings
At my going by –
These lands they have known me
As a hunter in the wild...

Mortal years spent in bliss – ten score at least;
The dance of the Sidhe, the wine of her lips
Kept me spellbound to the undying lands:
Never once thinking of what I left behind...

Then one day, delight turned into yearning
To see the hills that frame my beloved Killarney –
She said "Goodbye my love, for you shall not return
To the sunlit lands where time is naught..."

The creek by the road sings
At my going by –
These lands they have known me
As a hunter in the wild...

Something in my died that day
Back from icy lakes and mystic paths
Back from the otherworld, where the Danann reign
I rode without looking back, blinded by tears a' laving...

6. The Celestial Host

Out of the vast, starry blackness
Of the universe they come –
From behind the sun, our fleet
Arrives ripping through the stars!

We have waited long enough
In this land once blessed by Gods;
Now we're calling to our Lords:
"Return, o masters of the light!
Return, thou bringers of life!"

Ares, god of war – raise they shield
Protector and warrior!
Apollo, god of light, notch thy arrows
Archer, mystic sun!
Athena, virgin wise, unleash the wrath
Of the Gorgon on the foe!

Blazing arms arcane, they descent upon the Earth –
To be hailed by those who await
Awakened souls, arrayed like hoplites of old:
Together we' forever claim
Our world from the clutches of these dogs!

Foul demons of the east
Woe! See our fleet arrive!
Wail and lament, spawn of typhoon
Your time has come!

We have waited long enough
In this land once blessed by Gods;
Now we're calling to our Lords:
"Return, o masters of the light!
Return, thou bringers of life!"

7. The Oath Of Runes

All father Woden
Who art the Heavens
Hallowed by thy names
In Iupine tongue and human
Thy ravens come, thy will be done
On Midgard as it is in Asgard!
Give us this day a warrior's stand
And grant us victory or a noble death!
Lead us into the fray
And grant us the bravery and might
Under thy banner for to fight!
Bestow us with the wisdom
To cast spells with carven runes
And breathe forever in the sky
The wind that speaks within our hearts

8. Invoking The Sidhe

Thickening mist encircling the hill
An eerie song rides on the frosty gate
Fires are lit to drive the dark away
The druid is standing, in silence he prays...

The moon is reflected on dark icy lakes
Their waters are stirring to the arcane call;
Deep woods a' shiver when open the gates:
The mound yawns wide – out pour the Faery Folk...

In the ring of stones
We're invoking the Sidhe!
By the blood of the bull
We're invoking the Sidhe!
By the leaf of the oak
We're invoking the Sidhe!
In the ancient tongue
We're invoking the Sidhe!

Silver bells chime and stars fall in the sky;
The North Wind both wisher the name of the One:
The One who would cross into the realm
Of the Lordly Ones and dwell there are king...

Let me be the one of whom prophecy speaks
How yearn I to ride to the otherworld tonight!
Let me dance by their side in circle of light
For I'm in love with the queen – the queen of the Sidhe!

In the ring of stones
We're invoking the Sidhe!
By the blood of the bull
We're invoking the Sidhe!
By the leaf of the oak
We're invoking the Sidhe!
In the ancient tongue
We're invoking the Sidhe!

9. Pale Prince On A Moonlit Shore

Signs I can see
Bright astral glyphs
Mourning in the sky;
Death she walks
And withers lilies of the night

Spirits of the wind remember – whisper – reveal!

I'll be tidings for my soul
In the clash of chaos and law
What destiny's in store
For the pale prince on a moonlit shore?

Spirits of the air recall my glorious deeds of old!

Where the sky meets the crystal sea
Phantoms of the past
Actors wearing deathly white masks
Dance such a sorrowful waltz

(Specters induce delirious dreams of what is to be)

In the tone of dragon growls
Arioch unfetter thy hounds!
I'm riding flames, I ride enraged
To sound the horn of fate!

By moonlight I shall fight
Countless the kills I claim
By ecliptic light
Justify my cruel black fame!

"Slay them all, burn the foe!
The bright empire is above all!
Slay them all, burn the foe!
My empire's above chaos and law!"

10. The Hour Of Wrath

A tell voice rides upon the wind
As it blows
Through the forest of our arrayed spears:
This fell voice is my killing command...

Ten leagues ride as the raven flies
Pounding past the fields of demise
In shame, neath crossed Samnite pikes
Lo! I have returned from my exile...

Now those who stand and face me
Shall come to know me as death!
Now those who turn and flee from me
Shall come to know me as revenge!

A sword is in my hands, a fire in my eyes –
There's hatred in my heart that burns white:
A the hour of my wrath you will all fucking die!

Called forth from the grave
By creed of ancient pride
Through your gates I bestride:
I have come for your life!

I'm coming down as a maelstrom
On the bread, black, leathery wings
Of a long prophesized armageddon
For I am the avenging hand of God!

A sword is in my hands, a fire in my eyes –
There's hatred in my heart that burns white:
At the hour of my wrath you will all fucking die!

11. Sword In Hand

Beneath the endless azure of the sky
I'll ride a horse as black as the night
With sword in hand raised aloft
To catch the pure white light
So that my blade is blessed
With the Rune of Morning Glory
And the chill of the wind
Is caught twixt the coal-black curls
Of my helmet's mane
That billows in my wake
Like a banner of death unfurled –
A distant warning for my enemies to see
As I come riding down the hill
Past the dolmens and the stones
Through the trees that haunt
With sword in hand a' glimmer in the light
For which I bled, was hunted down
With sword in hand I'll defend
Stand my ground and die glad of heart
For a swordsman knows no death
Only victory or Valhalla in the end

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